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This is your About page. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do, and what your site has to offer. Your users are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality. Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to provide any personal details you want to share with your followers. Include interesting anecdotes and facts to keep readers engaged. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.
Patch #3
Oct 21, 2023 (PC)
Hello truckers!
It might be a Saturday but we're still working on fixing bugs, solving issues, and making sure Alaskan Road Truckers truly sparkles.
The third post-launch patch has just been released and is ready to download - here's the info!
Patch Notes
Save system improvements and fixes - old saves should work again
Please check them and send us a feedback regarding that fix.
Fixed the issue with loading a save resulting in skipping to the next season
Backup saves are always visible now for a better user experience
All mid and long distance jobs now have an option of manual save via logbook
Fixed the problem with upgrading the workshop from the PC
Fixed map parts not loading before the player reaches them (may cause slowdowns upon loading on slower PCs)
Parameterized speed limits for AI for more fluid behavior
Changes in AI that should prevent them from falling to their side on sharp turns
Changes in AI offsets so big trucks shouldn't collide with smaller cars anymore
Small fix for traffic in Glenallen
Fixed the issue where being inside building did not warm up the player character
Fixed the oil tank being impossible to repair fully
Fixed cargo trailer spawning problematically in Cantwell logistic locations
Fixed cargo trailers shooting up to the sky in Pipeverse, Inc.
Fix for waste tires cargo trailer
Decreased the player character speed upon the request of players
Fixes some invisible bumps found by the players
Fix for Paxson gas station road
Fix for foliage and signs on the road between Fairbanks and Coldfoot
Disabled the test input for time slowdown
Fix for the broken fuse icon showing incorrectly
Player now cannot enter a parked truck if they have an active truck
All repairs should now reward player with proper XP
Fix for controls binding warning staying on the screen
Removed Heat Gun from stores - the frozen windshield should be scraped off with a scraper
Small environment upgrades - missings signs, barriers etc.
Small text fixes
Patch #2
Oct 20, 2023 (PC)
Hello truckers!
Another day, another patch! We've been listening to your feedback and working on critical bugs and issues, and we've got another update that will make your Alaskan Road Truckers experience smoother and better.
Here's everything in the patch!
Patch Notes
Tweaks and fixes in the steering wheel and controller system
Improved steering at higher speed
Base upgrading should no longer place camera out of bounds
In HQ, stove is no longer disappearing
Fix for loan screen and workshop screen at HQ
Improved player exiting city workshops
Navigation System potential crash prevented
Small fix for suspension repair (fix for city workshop suspension repair will come soon)
Speed limits have additional bigger radius check and limit set, which should make AI cars adjust their speed smoother
Speed limit changes on many roads to allow smoother AI driving
Tok colliders now prevent the player from accidentally leaving the map area
Fixed the area of Invincible Bricks LL in Valdez, now player shouldn't be launched into air
Fix for cargo spawns in Pipeverse, Inc.
Trapper Creek traffic fixes
Wasilla small traffic fix
Fixes for traffic on the crossroad near Igloo Hotel
Fixes for the placement of Cargo Dock End area in Tok's Construction Site
AI cars now shouldn't change lane near crossroads
AI car speed improvements on the road from Gakona to Tok
Save system will now not save when player is out of bounds
Bad Mother Truckers truck horns position fix
Removed a rare debug information appearing
Changed trailers for jet fuel and gasoline wares
Visual fixes of store and gas station signs
Improved fuel consumption rate for all the trucks
Adjusted brittleness of headlights in all of the trucks
The issue encountered when upgrading the HQ using the PC should be resolved with this patch. However, players may still encounter this issue on older saves. If you do encounter this issue - please start a new save.
If you still experience season changes upon loading a save, try starting a new save and let us know if this issue persists.
Finally - if you encounter a black screen when using the PC in your HQ, exit the PC and try again - we will be working on a fix for this soon.
We'll have more updates and patches incoming - work on patch #3 is underway, more news soon.
Patch #1
Oct 19th, 2023 (PC)
​​Hello truckers!
We've been hard at work, reading your reports, listening to what you've got to say, and working on Alaskan Road Truckers to fix bugs and patch issues.
The first major patch has just launched - Patch #1 addresses a number of issues, here's what's new:
Patch Notes
Numerous optimization fixes
Small changes to tutorial links with guide
Fix for missing Skins for Trucks and added Ranch Bumper to Mother Truckers Edition DLC
Warnings when player id trying to lock/unlock trailer
Minor translation fixes
Fixes for customizable parts in Eagle One truck
Rest slider focus fix
Mirrors render fix
Hospital collision fix
HQ flickering fix
Tire Workshop door access fix
Fixed many bugs on the map, including several "bumps"
Truck lights optimization
Eagle One hood animations fix
Truck chains interaction tweak
Trees tweak
Biker Jacket set
Chains should now properly load
Fixed the problem with task refresh on UI
Removed save load cheats from distribution builds
Chains interaction size tweak
Some trailers and trucks tweaks
Massive fixes for parking spots
Changed Max Speed for Conveyor C-87-C
Fixed infinite loading when savegame was made from inside of the truck
Added scalebox to rim part of the tire workshop menu
Tweaked Fuel Consumption for all the Trucks